HRH413 (harm reduction hedgehogs 413)
Moving harm reduction beyond the public health silo
Best practice training, consulting, outreach, organizing. Also artsy things. Because we intend to win The War on the War on Drugs.
Best practice training, consulting, outreach, organizing. Also artsy things. Because we intend to win The War on the War on Drugs.
Why Harm Reduction? I can’t lose another child.
While recently attending a Harm Reduction Works-HRW meeting I was asked how I came to the practice of harm reduction. I have worked the 12 steps from all angles,
Sometime in the near future, I will forget writing these very words, in this very room, with this very pen. So there’s a story I’m writing right now that I am destined to forget. Which isn’t quite true. I will most likely remember this story if only because I’ve just made such a big deal of forgetting it. It’s one of the weird ways things work. But even though I will remember the story I won’t remember all of the words.
Near the edge of things seen
are things imagined
A life slipped between cracks
I’ve found over the years there is a difference in relationship when I am practicing harm reduction with others versus when I must practice harm reduction on others. It is not that the two types are mutually exclusive nor it is about establishing a binary. It is simply distinguishing how different types of energy feel both in my body and as I express them.
Harm Reduction Works-HRW is a fully scripted, harm reduction based, self-help/mutual aid group.
Harm Reduction Works -HRW is a project of HRH413
Also a donation, merchandise and resources page…
Like most hedgehogs,
Jess and Albie are not the most technologically advanced creatures. They try and since
they are Harm Reduction Hedgehogs,
they will get to There but are not necessarily sure where There is yet.
Eventually, but in their own ways
and when they are ready
they will change.
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